Woman removing wedding ring alongside house and car model

Selling The Home Amidst a Divorce

Law Offices of David W. Wilcox  July 16, 2024

Selling a home is already a challenging process, but when you add the emotional and legal aspects of a divorce, it can feel overwhelming. The decision to sell the marital home often stems from the need to divide assets, relocate, or simply start anew. Before you list your property, understanding the legal nuances involved can help streamline the process and mitigate some of the stress.  

Having a reliable and experienced real estate lawyer like Attorney Wilcox can make a significant difference. Serving clients throughout Bradenton, Manatee County, and Sarasota County, Attorney Wilcox has almost 40 years of legal experience and offers personalized counsel in real estate matters to individuals throughout Florida.

This guide aims to help divorcing homeowners understand the unique challenges they face and provide actionable steps to make the process as smooth as possible. 

Key Considerations for Divorcing Homeowners in Florida

Selling a home in Florida during a divorce involves several legal considerations, and understanding your rights and obligations under Florida law can make all the difference. Primarily, both parties must agree on the sale, and any existing mortgage must be addressed. 

Equitable Distribution in Florida 

Florida follows the principle of equitable distribution, meaning assets, including the marital home, are divided fairly, though not necessarily equally. The court will consider factors like the length of the marriage, each party's financial contribution, and future needs in the distribution process. 

Court-Ordered Sale of a Home 

In some cases, the court may order the sale of the home. This usually happens when neither party can afford to keep the home independently, or when it's deemed the most equitable solution. Understanding these scenarios can help you prepare for the possibility. 

Options for Selling a Home Amidst Divorce 

Selling the home is not always required during a divorce. In Florida, couples have several options: One spouse can buy out the other’s interest, they can continue co-owning the home, or they can sell it and divide the proceeds.  

One Spouse Buys Out the Other 

One common option is for one spouse to buy out the other's share of the home. This requires refinancing the mortgage in one spouse's name and compensating the other for their share of the equity. 

Keeping the House Temporarily 

Another option is for one spouse to keep the house for a specified period, often until the children finish school. Afterward, the house can be sold, and the proceeds divided. 

Immediate Sale and Division of Equity 

The simplest option is to sell the house immediately and divide the equity between the spouses. This provides a clean break and allows both parties to move forward without lingering financial ties. 

Determining the best timing for the sale depends on various factors, including market conditions, financial considerations, and personal preferences. You can sell your home before the divorce is finalized, provided both parties agree. However, it's important to confirm that the sales agreement aligns with the terms of the divorce settlement to avoid potential conflicts later.

Consulting with Attorney Wilcox can help you determine the best course of action for your situation. 

How to Sell a Home During a Divorce

The home sale process during a divorce typically follows these steps: 

  • Agreement on sale: Both parties must agree to sell the property. 

  • Appraisal: A professional appraisal determines the home's market value. 

  • Listing: Choose a real estate agent and list the home for sale. 

  • Offers and negotiation: Review offers and negotiate terms. 

  • Closing: Finalize the sale and distribute proceeds according to the divorce settlement or court order. 

Practical Tips for a Smooth Sale

Hire a Real Estate Agent 

A knowledgeable real estate agent can help you price your home competitively, market it effectively, and negotiate with potential buyers. 

Staging Your Home 

Staging your home can help it sell faster and at a higher price. Declutter, make necessary repairs, and consider professional staging services to showcase your home in the best light. Focus on cleanliness, neutral decor, and highlighting the home's best features. 

Negotiating Offers 

Both parties must agree on the terms of the sale, including the final selling price and any contingencies. Negotiation can be challenging, especially during a divorce. Work with your real estate agent and Attorney Wilcox to make sure that both parties' interests are represented and that the final agreement is fair. 

Handling Repairs and Inspections 

Addressing necessary repairs and inspections upfront can prevent delays in the closing process. Agree on a budget for these expenses and keep clear records of all transactions. 

The Emotional Side 

Selling a home during a divorce is emotionally taxing. Don't hesitate to reach out for professional help. Real estate agents, lawyers, and financial advisors can provide valuable support during this challenging time. Additionally, finding ways to manage stress, such as seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist, can make the process more manageable. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Selling a Home Amidst a Divorce in Florida

What happens if only one spouse wants to sell the home? 

If one spouse wants to sell and the other does not, the issue may need to be resolved in court. A judge can order the sale of the home if it's in the best interest of both parties, especially if neither party can afford to maintain the home independently. 

How are the proceeds from the sale divided? 

The division of proceeds depends on various factors: 

  • Equitable distribution: Florida follows equitable distribution laws, meaning assets are divided fairly but not necessarily equally. 

  • Marital home: If the home is considered a marital asset, proceeds are typically divided equitably unless otherwise agreed upon. 

  • Prenuptial agreements: Any existing prenuptial agreements can influence the division. 

What if there is a mortgage on the home? 

If there's an outstanding mortgage, the proceeds from the home sale will first go toward paying off the mortgage. Any remaining amount is then divided between the spouses based on the divorce agreement. If the home is "underwater" (worth less than the mortgage balance), the couple must decide how to handle the deficiency. 

Are there tax implications when selling the home during a divorce? 

Selling a home during a divorce can have tax implications, such as capital gains tax. However, the IRS provides certain exclusions for primary residences, allowing up to $250,000 of gain per spouse to be excluded from taxable income if specific conditions are met. Consulting a tax advisor is recommended to understand the full tax impact. 

How do we handle disagreements about the home sale?

When disagreements arise, mediation can be a useful tool to reach a mutual decision without going to court. If mediation fails, the issue may ultimately be decided by a judge. 

Selling a home during a divorce can be complex and emotional. Seeking legal advice can help protect your interests and allow for a smoother and more manageable process. Understanding your options and having a clear plan can help reduce conflict and lead to a fair resolution for both parties. 

Reach Out to Bradenton, Florida Real Estate Attorney David Wilcox

Selling a home during a divorce in Florida is undoubtedly stressful, but with the right guidance and preparation, it can become more manageable. For those in Bradenton, Florida, and throughout Manatee County and Sarasota County, Attorney Wilcox is here to support you every step of the way.  

For personalized assistance and to discuss your specific situation, reach out to the Law Offices of David W. Wilcox today. Take the first step towards a smoother transition and secure your future with confidence.