Law Offices of David W. Wilcox 

Selling The Home Amidst a Divorce

Selling a home is already a challenging process, but when you add the emotional and legal aspects of a divorce, it can feel overwhelming. The decision to sell the marital home often stems from the need to divide assets, relocate, or simply start anew. Before you list your property, understanding the legalities involved can help streamline the process and mitigate some of the stress.
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Law Offices of David W. Wilcox 

What to Do When the Appraisal Comes in Below the Sale Price

Unexpected challenges are no stranger to those navigating the real estate market. One such challenge is when the appraisal of a property comes in below the agreed-upon sale price. This scenario can create significant concerns for both buyers and sellers.
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Law Offices of David W. Wilcox 

Is a Title Review Important in a Real Estate Transaction?

When buying, selling, or renting property, one critical but often overlooked component of the due diligence process is the title review. A title review involves examining the legal status of a property's title to ensure it's free of any defects, liens, encumbrances, or legal issues that could impair the buyer's ability to gain clear ownership.
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Law Offices of David W. Wilcox

How to Create a Trust for Heirs With Substance Abuse Problems

We’ve all no doubt heard the phrase “here today, gone tomorrow,” which can speak to the habits of some people of spending money as soon as they get it. This is a bad habit in general, but when it applies to feeding one’s addiction to drugs or alcohol, it carries the added liability of serious health risks, and it also jeopardizes that person’s future both professionally and personally.
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Law Offices of David W. Wilcox 

Are Heirs Responsible for Their Loved-One’s Debts?

If you’ve just lost a loved one and that person has left behind unpaid debt obligations, can those creditors come after you as a relative or heir to pay off the balance? The answer isn’t quite black and white, so keep on reading (or contact the Law Offices of David W. Wilcox) to understand the legal implications of your specific situation.
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Law Offices of David W. Wilcox

Reviewing and Updating Your Will

You’ve done your due diligence and made the right choice to draft a will to ensure your wishes are carried out and your loved ones are taken care of in the event of your passing. That’s a wise decision, but did you know that it is also important to keep your will updated throughout your life, especially as you experience significant life changes and milestones?
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Law Offices of David W. Wilcox

Important Legal Documents to Have Before Dementia Sets In

According to Florida law, only a person with a sound mind is eligible to create a valid will, living trust, or other estate planning documents. This means that the person must understand the nature of the assets they’re dispersing, as well as their relationship with the potential beneficiaries. However, a person who has cognitive impairment or dementia may face various difficulties when creating their will.
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Law Offices of David W. Wilcox

FAQs: What Needs to Be Done When Someone Dies

The death of a family member can be extremely emotional for their surviving loved ones. Oftentimes, many individuals find it difficult to deal with the loss and may be unsure about what to do next.
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Law Offices of David W. Wilcox

Things to Consider Before You Start Your Estate Plan

Estate planning to most people means writing a last will and testament and designating who gets what when you’re gone, but though a will can be the starting point for estate planning, you need to consider other options such as a power of attorney for financial affairs and a living will, or advance health care directive. These two legal documents provide protection for you and your loved ones should anything happen to you when, for instance, you become incapacitated.
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